Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Tisha B'Av: Holding ourselves up to a higher standard

Holding ourselves up to a higher standard
Talmud: he who doesn't see temple rebuilt, as if destroyed in his lifetime
we are meant to spend tisha b'av asking: what are we doing to delay the redemption?
what do we do now that causes temple not to be rebuilt

Opposite of blame game: always blame ourselves
Is this blaming the victim?
No: more productive to always grow

This year, with the war in Israel, Eicha resonates deeply with the destruction happening there
Thank God, not as many civilian casualties as when the romans destroyed jerusalem
But the fire of the rockets reminds me of the fire in the temple in roman times
fires now all across Israel

It is easy to point the finger at hamas and at the civilian population in Gaza
a terrorist organization dedicated to destroying Israel
spent on order of millions of dollars each tunnel instead of building infrastructure
sacrificed 160 children building them
civilians too:
gazans teach children right of return instead of building gaza
elected Hamas & happy to martyr civilians for its jihad
and publically we need to do this—to speak up for Israel

It's easy to say, we already hold ourself to too high a standard
roof knocks & leaflets when there are civilians in the way
actually investigate whether a target was accidental, fesses up when it makes a mistake
providing electricity to Gaza
Offering to provide blood to injured citizens (which Gaza turned down)--whether jewish or palestinian blood

Painful that the world holds Israel up to a higher standard
to a standard apparently: shouldn't fight back when threatened
and our response to the world is to say that we need to protect ourselves

The challenge of this teaching: what more can we do to promote peace in Israel?
What more can we do to promote peace between jews and palestinians, and all muslims?
What more can we do to help the palestinians build a viable state?
What more can we do to protect and save the lives of civilians?
What ways can we treat each other better, erase traces of sinat hinam, create jewish unity?
Can we reach out here to muslims we know, to create understanding, friendship, the seeds of peace?
Never to blame, only to constantly improve ourselves

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